The summer holidays are over....
Hello everyone,
After a long summer vacation we are inviting you back to our origami cafe on Saturday, September 14th,
as always at La Place, Piazza 62 in Eindhoven from 10:00-12:00.
Are you also looking forward to folding beautiful papers again?
Even though we’ve had a vacation, we were also busy with a few activities to promote Origami and Origami Groep Eindhoven as well!
Picnic Eikenburg

On June 23rd, Anne gave some cool workshops at a picnic in Eikenburg.

Campsite Workshops

During her vacation, Jolette hosted two workshops at a campsite, where she folded figures (naked people to be precise), frogs, and boxes for the frogs to jump into.

Open House Day

Jolette also participated in an open house day (open deuren dag) in her neighborhood on August 25th.

People participated in all activities with great enthusiasm!
It’s nice to see such interest in origami.....
But for now:
We hope to meet you again at our origami café!
Until September 14th!
Chinmay and Jolette
Beste mensen,
Worden er ook incidenteel origami-workshops gegeven.
Bijvoorbeeld : kerstballen. Deze zag ik bij een tentoonstelling.
Ik hoor graag van u.
Groet, Leny