OGE Weekend
April 12 and 13, 2025
We are proud and excited....
…. to announce the first OGE Origami Weekend, which will be held on April 12 and 13, 2025.
With this, Origami Group Eindhoven takes another step towards shaping our motto 'Let's meet and fold' .
The monthly Origami Café is becoming increasingly well known.
The mini-convention on September 16, 2023 was very successful, and the 'Let's meet and fold' day in April was well attended.
That left us wanting more, so now we're going for an Origami Weekend!
We hope for a lot registrations, so that we can make it a beautiful OGE Origami party!
Jolette and Chinmay
Where do we meet?

We have found a beautiful location:
Eigentijdserf, Spreeuwelsedijk 9,
5091KS Westelbeers
It is possible to arrive on Friday so that you can enjoy the beautiful surroundings for an afternoon longer!
Special Guest
As a special guest we invited Michał Kosmulski.
He will be present from Friday.

Jolette and Chinmay have very nice ideas to make the weekend a success, so we hope for enthusiastic responses and registrations
Limited number of places
Since we want to start small, there are only a limited number of places available. The booking is open to a maximum of 35 people, so if you want to come, register quickly!

reception with a local delicacy
coffee, tea, fruit water and cookies all day
overnight stay
1x three-course dinner with regional products
1x breakfast
2x lunch with soup and hot snack
1 person room
met douche en toilet: €235
2 person room
met douche en toilet: €220
extra overnachting op vrijdag
inclusief 3 gangen diner en ontbijt: €115
Je aanmelding is pas definitief als je €50 hebt aanbetaald.
Your registration is only final once you have paid €50.
The remainder (€185 for a single room or €170 for a double room) must be paid before March 1, 2025.
Payment method
We await payments to account number
IBAN: NL24 INGB 0003 8407 88
tn.: MW JHM vd Sanden-Flapper
We have taken an option at Eigentijdserf for the weekend of April 12 and 13.
The final agreement must be signed no later than December 1, or earlier if another group wants to book that weekend. Since we are not an association, we enter into this agreement in a personal capacity, with all the financial consequences that entails.
If you are unexpectedly unable to come to the weekend, you are still obliged to transfer the full amount before March 1, 2025 to us. If that is more than the amount that Eigentijdserf charges us, we will of course refund the difference.
In that case, you can of course use your own cancellation insurance
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